Under Attack by ABBA
Dear Brisbane, thank you for your gloriously sunny weather (☼☼☼); fantastic food and scrumptious coffee (Little Larder, New Farm Deli (NB the Deli Stack), churros + whipped cream & chocolate at South Bank Markets, Harajuku Gyoza (apple pie dumplings!), Aromas, QAG gallery cafe, Spoon Deli at James st); beautiful 'Queenslander' houses; rechargeable Go-Cards and immaculate and punctual buses; music everywhere! (Silent Feature Era, Sophie Koh and Tim Reid at the Powerhouse); inspiring and intriguing exhibitions (Yayoi Kusama: Look Now, See Forever at GOMA, Henri Cartier-Bresson: the man, the image & the world at QAG, Union with Reality: The Art of Leonard Brown at QUT, Prisoners of Age at the Powerhouse); the refreshing beach in the middle of the city; the Hitchcock festival (Vertigo!); the theatre - Songs for Nobodies (Bernadette Robinson is BRILLIANT!); Lipton bikes everywhere; and the playground in New Farm - which is 'sway cool.' Thank you Brisbane for being so cultured, easygoing and homely - there's still $3 left on my go-card which I hope to use soon!
Miranda smelling the (Kusama) flower | churros with whipped cream and chocolate at South Bank markets
We did a lot of walking i: new sandals

At the window | the Brisbane Eye
Yum times at Little Larder
Silent Feature Era at the Powerhouse | in the Obliteration Room Yayoi Kusama: Look Now, See Forever at GOMA
We did a lot of walking ii: Miranda
Flowers: city and suburbia
Me as a dot in Kusama's Dots Obsession (2011)

Miranda smelling the (Kusama) flower | churros with whipped cream and chocolate at South Bank markets
We did a lot of walking i: new sandals

At the window | the Brisbane Eye

Yum times at Little Larder

Silent Feature Era at the Powerhouse | in the Obliteration Room Yayoi Kusama: Look Now, See Forever at GOMA
We did a lot of walking ii: Miranda
Flowers: city and suburbia
Me as a dot in Kusama's Dots Obsession (2011)

I freaking love Yayoi Kusama and have a small red toy version of the Dots Obsession work from an exhibition of hers in Tokyo. I actually traveled to Brisbane in 2002 to see her exhibit there and am seriously considering travelling up there again for it. (I missed her Sydney exhibition around 2007 sadly) LOVE this x