Thursday, January 5, 2012


Just Rose and Turkish Apple: current favourite ice tea combination 

Today we went to the new IKEA in Tempe (the largest in the Southern Hemisphere) and as predicted, it was a utter treat! The lower level was my favourite, filled with everything you could ever possibly think of needing. Amongst a new clock, lantern, candles, whisk and Pyssla peg boards I bought a collection of clear jars for my loose tea. Despite having such a range of teas, the hassle of finding the right box and managing the loose leaves always makes me hesitant to go to the trouble. However, now the clear jars make each tea much easier to identify and spoon out. I couldn't find any sticky labels to mark the names of the teas so instead used medical tape - I'm so happy with the result (my Por-por says that they look very country-bumpkin)! I now look forward to many cups to tea to come!

I cut out the backs of the tea boxes so that they now serve as info cards 
 All together now! Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love loose-tea. But ehr, does that chocolate tea actually tastes like... chocolate?!
