Monday, November 28, 2011

Baked zucchini flowers with cheese

Olive oil, zucchini flowers and cheese from Eveleigh Farmers' Markets

Eveleigh markets always has such an exciting array of food - I couldn't resist the attempt to try to bake these zucchini flowers with wash rind cheese!*

1. To prep the zucchini flowers, pull out the filaments
2. Lay them flat on a baking-paper lined tray
3. Cut slices of the cheese and place them inside the petals
4. Sprinkle salt, pepper and olive oil
5. Bake! 

* NB - The result, despite being amazingly cheesy and delicious, was the cheese melting and the flowers losing their shape and becoming completely flat. In the future it would be best to use a firmer cheese such as ricotta. A fun experiment nonetheless!


  1. sjhfgdf YUM zucchini flowers are one of my most favourite foods ever. will you make some for me?? (⌒▽⌒) btw you've had fried zucchini flowers right? they're my most fav omg

  2. I've only ever had zucchini flowers at restaurants and here you are cooking them like a pro. Delicious!
